Mytribel Podcast: Drive - a look at what motivates us
I was delighted to be interviewed by Kevin Redmond from We discussed one of my favourite books - Drive by Daniel Pink. In this book, Daniel Pink looks at motivation and how there is a large gap between what science know and what business does. Some of the themes that we discuss include:
How we have entered the era of `Motivation 3.0.
Motivation 1.0 was all about survival; Motivation 2.0 followed and focussed on external rewards to drive performance. This works effectively for algorithmic tasks where you are required do the same thing over and over in a certain way,
However, for heuristic tasks where you there are no set instructions and you must come up with something new every time, Motivation 2.0 can be so flawed that it demotivates you and decreases performance.
Daniel Pink outlines how a focus on intrinsic motivation can lead to far better outcomes. Science has shown that what drives performance is an understanding of the 3 elements of self-determination: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
The new approach to motivation has three essential elements:
Autonomy—the desire to have more input into what we do and to be self-directed,
Mastery—the urge to improve ourselves especially in things that matter to us and;
Purpose—the need to do things that have meaning and is aimed at something bigger than ourselves.
In the podcast, we discuss how this relates to the organisation today - especially in the post COVID world.
We discuss how organisations can use Daniel Pink’s book to drive performance in their teams.