Leadership Considerations in a post Covid World

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on every organisation and all at the same time. Previous global catastrophises impacted different businesses, organisations and countries at different times. The late 2000s financial crash impacted some sectors early on – think financial and housing – and others later – retail and public services, for example. However, COVID-19 hit all countries and sectors over the space of a number of months from late 2019 to mid 2020. 

We all fell off the cliff at the same time and in the same way. As we emerge from the initial shocks and come to terms with the medium and long term implications, what does this mean for organisation culture? Those organisations who have a strong, defined culture are most likely to emerge intact.

 A number of themes are already beginning to emerge that can give organisations – and their leaders – a sense of where they need to focus.  

 How can we influence a Distributed Workforce?

One of the immediate impacts of COVID-19 was the speeding up of Working From Home (WFH). Organisations, even those resistant to remote working, embraced the flexible workforce.  Video platforms have allowed this to happen in a way that would have been unimaginable

How can we influence a distributed workforce - and allow them to influence the organisation - in a manner that does not descend into politics/silos/kingdoms? The ability to influence others is a key element of how we get things done at work. When work is distributed across a number of locations - some staff permanently remote working, some permanently in work and others a mix of both - organisations must adjust how influence occurs. 

Where high levels of trust exist, we do not have to rely on the formal lines of power and authority. Trust helps us navigate uncertainty1; we need to assist staff navigate the uncertainty of the new power dynamics. A starting point for organisations is to look at how their organisation is set up – is it designed for the success or is it still set up based on all of the staff working in the one location – the office?

 What impact does working from home have on Teams Dynamics?

We underestimate at our peril the impact that missing out on the social dynamics of being at work has on people. At our most basic we are tribal, and we congregate together at work, in clubs, at a church to give ourselves a sense of belonging. Two dimensional video conferencing call gives us a semblance of contact, but it cannot replace the physical connections we make when we are in the same space as our colleagues. The more we are apart, the greater the likelihood that the bonds that are created by being together will dissipate.

 Organisations need to look at how to recreate these social dynamics in a distributed world - especially for new hires that have never been into an office.  There is a need to be deliberate about creating a structured/unstructured environment where we take these social dynamics into account but recognise that they cannot be forced. By taking a step back and looking at how – and whether – they are set up to take these dynamics into account, organisations can begin to strengthen the social bonds that lead to teamwork.

 Leading from the front

COVID-19 has tested every organisations Values and Culture.  It has provided an opportunity for Leaders to show that their Values are real, embedded and acted upon.  Organisations have shown their real colours in how and whether they have supported staff when the work has not been there, when schools have been shut, when public transport has not allowed travel to work. 

 Leadership is easy when everything is going well but it is only when things go off the rails is real leadership tested. They need to be open – and consistent - in their communication, recognise that their staff are in different places – and be empathetic to these places – and be flexible in their responses2. Leading from the front is not easy but can be made easier by those leaders that recognise that they cannot do it on their own. 


When COVID-19 first hit, organisations – and their staff – had to immediately react. The level of response across organisations, and wider society, was a sense of we are all in this together. As we come to terms with the reality that COVID-19 will be with us for the immediate future, organisations must begin to look at their culture and what they need to focus on, where they need to change and what impact this will have on how they do business. Culture, ultimately, is how we do things around here and every leader needs to realise that they will either get a culture that has evolved around them or put some effort into getting the culture that they want. COVID-19 is just one more input – albeit a significant one – that leaders need to take into account.

 If you or your organisation have been impacted by COVID-19 and are trying to figure out how to work through the organisation implications, we can be contacted at www.organisationdynamics.ie

Rachel Botsman

Forbes Leadership Traits for the Post Covid Workplace

Shane Twomey