Managing Coachee Expectations
One challenge that Coaches often face is that the Coachee wants a solution and, quite often, wants it now.
This can be based on a misunderstanding of the nature of Coaching and mixing it up with mentoring – an experienced person sharing wisdom – or a Consultant – an experienced person brought into to provide a solution.
Coaching is about allowing the Coachee to find their own solution. Getting these distinctions across at the beginning of a Coaching assignment is crucial.
A great summary in Excellence in Coaching* outlines the different roles:
A Therapist will explore what is stopping you driving the car
A Counsellor will listen to your anxieties about the car
A Mentor will share tips from their own experience of driving cars
A Consultant will advise you on how to drive the car
A Coach will encourage and support you in driving the car
*Excellence in Coaching; The Industry Guide, edited by Jonathon Passmore, The Association for Coaching, 2nd Edition, 2010